International Business College Offers Worldly Experiences

With today’s global approach to business, attending an international business college is the best way to get an education that is respected around the world. According to Wikipedia, “international business is a term used to collectively describe all commercial transactions that take place between two or more regions, countries and nations beyond their political boundary. Usually, private companies undertake such transactions for profit, and governments undertake them for profit and for political reasons. It refers to all those business activities that involve cross border transactions of goods, services, and resources between two or more nations. Transactions of economic resources include capital, skills, people etc. for international production of physical goods and services such as finance, banking, insurance, construction, etc.”


Centennial College’s International Business College offers students 30 programs that, depending on a student’s goals and previous education, range in length from three semesters to three years. All of the offerings within the International Business College are conducted out of Progress Campus, which boasts facilities in which students can practice ahead of graduation (including fully equipped computer labs) and interact with award-winning faculty, administrators and support staff who are ready to answer their questions. In addition, many of Centennial College’s International Business College programs see students head out on co-op, internships and work placements. These features allow students to apply what they have learned and make important industry connections.


Some programs such as Accounting, Business Operations, Financial Services, Marketing, Office Administration don’t have an outright international business college angle, but teach students to skills that are transferable across the country and respective industries. Others, however, take a more obvious International Business College angle, including: Business (grads go onto be employed as Customs Compliance Analysts, Import/Export Documentation Specialist, Global Logistics Assistant and Inside Sales Representatives); Global Business Management (graduates pursue entry level management/professional roles with international organizations, non-governmental organizations and domestic businesses operating on a global scale); and International Business Management (graduates work as: Foreign Investment and Risk Analysts, Foreign Trade Consultants, Commercial Bank Officers, International Marketing Representatives and International Development Assistants).


Further exemplifying the International Business College approach is an International Business Exchange, during which students study, for one semester, at one of Centennial’s partner colleges or universities and receive full credit at Centennial for all successfully completed courses. To partake in this exchange, students pay the usual Canadian college tuition fees they’re accustomed to, rather than international tuition that’s usually much higher. Students also pay for their own airfare, books, accommodation and food, although qualifying students are eligible for Ontario Student Assistance (OSAP) funding. Centennial offers two $500 scholarships annually to encourage studying abroad.


In many instances, this International Business College allows students to complete their program while simultaneously logging valuable academic credits towards earning a master’s and/or bachelor’s degree from the several well-known local universities in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada and around the world.